영어표현- 이럴때 어떻게 ?
Idiom Lesson 2영어표현- 이럴때 어떻게 ? 2021. 6. 7. 02:14
The following idioms and expressions are from "Can You Believe It? Book 2" by Jann Huizenga Lesson 6 through Lesson 10. Lesson 6 (Audio files) - be scared to death: (video 1 2) - in the nick of time: (Video 1 , 2) = right before it’s too late - be frozen stiff. (Video 1, 2) - keep one’s head = remain calm/ stay calm : The president has shown that he can keep his head in a crisis. cf) Keep (it) i..
화상 회의 및 수업 표현들02- 중간과 마무리영어표현- 이럴때 어떻게 ? 2021. 5. 13. 12:46
회의 중간에 회의 아젠다를 띄우겠습니다 (스크린 쉐어 단추 누르면서). Let me bring (share) the agenda right here. 본격적으로 시작하면서 누구 누구/ 어느팀에게 xxx준비하신것 감사드리고 싶습니다. I certainly want to start off with thanks to (a person's name/ team name.) in preparing XXX. youtu.be/0CKrHsyjYFA?t=1228 여기 계신분 중에 답해 주실분? Is there anybody who can tell us? 자 이제 강사님을 소개드려요. So let me give an introduction. youtu.be/6ULZjMjPCBA?t=70 말씀하실거나 질문 더 있으세요? An..
화상회의 및 수업 표현들 01- 시작할때영어표현- 이럴때 어떻게 ? 2021. 5. 12. 04:23
한국어 English 회의 시작할때 (갑작스럽게 요청했는데 ) 와주셔서 감사해요. * 와주셔서 감사해요 만 말할경우 on short notice만 빼면 됩니다. Thank you so much for joining us on short notice*. Thank you for being (virtually) with us on short notice. youtu.be/3EeuMKAKJg8?t=1 Thank you for participating with us on short notice. youtu.be/1d1_ool4r7s?t=3119 I want to thank all of you for showing up on short notice. youtu.be/1l6Q1AR0Swc?t=318 *At shor..